Monday, April 27, 2009

Milestone Birthday

I had a milestone birthday over the weekend.

First of all, my birthday was on Saturday (April 25!) and I spent all day at a track meet with 2 of the kids. I did tell DH that I was NOT going to take the youngest because I thought I could just relax. And then, when I got there, I got a "job" with the track coach. I was the "runner" between the coaches. Fortunately, they did not need too much, but I was at the ready AND on the track "infield" all day. I was so happy to SIT at lunch!! And I had to get up and be showered before 6:30AM. On a Saturday. That was just not right! And then the youngest woke me up at 4:45AM. That night I was WIPED!

That day was also my anniversary and I had a dinner plan for DH and I, but man, I was wiped! I planned the frugal version on an anniversary dinner. I got something frozen and a bag of chips for the kids. DH fed them while I was out. Then he and I had takeout and a couple bottles of beer and the kids watched a movie on another LEVEL of the house. They were great about leaving us alone.

The dinner plan was a picnic with takeout and a bottle of champagne, but DH did not want to sit on the ground - he said bad knees - and he thought the champagne did not go with the meal, so it was beer. I wondered if it was special enough, but without the kids around, he said it was...

I never said what the milestone was, did I? I turned 40 over the weekend! Yikes! The good news is that I had 3 people tell me last week that I did not look 40 and I even got carded once!

To celebrate the birthday, DH hosted a low-key cookout last night and I was amazing!

I had a little angst about 40 for the few weeks beforehand. I was not worried about immediate mortality and all, but I am worried that there may be more years behind me then before me. And I also remember that when I was younger, I thought 40 was ANCIENT!

I feel like there are so many people younger than me that have dome such amazing things! I want to do something amazing too!!

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